American Bureau of Shipping

jednostka certyfikująca
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AMS Spirit

South Catamaran 15m Alloy Wind Farm Service Vessel and measures 15.6m length overall, 6.4m beam overall, has a draft of 1.0m and has a lightship displacement (including fluids) of 25 tons.
The vessel follows standard South Boats design principles with symmetrical under water sections and asymmetrical wet deck knuckles and spray deflectors. The design includes a high buoyancy bow and triple internal spray knuckles to maintain a suspension of air/water to dampen pitching moments particularly in heavy weather. In addition the hulls maintain a parallel waterline beam through the length of the vessel allowing for good weight distribution around the vessel. The design offers class leading sea keeping, stability, fuel efficiency and manoeuvrability. The sea keeping in particular has been proven in service operating in excess of 1.5m significant wave height. The vessel features an ‘Island’ central superstructure with a 20 sq/m working deck forward and 20 sq/m working deck aft. Deck equipment includes a raised Palfinger PK4501M fully folding knuckle boom crane capable of lifting over 750kg’s at 5.3m, hydraulic capstan winch, hydraulic pressure washer and a 240V AC fuel transfer system. The vessel also has a stability book to enable up to 5 tons of cargo to be carried on the forward and after decks, which is unique on a vessel of this size and type. The vessel is powered by twin Scania DI12 69M 625mhp diesel engines driving two ZF360A 1.50:1 reduction ratio gearboxes coupled to Ultra Dynamics 452 water jet units. The vessel is certified to operate under the MCA Workboat Code, up to 60nm offshore for up to 12 passengers, three crew and 5,000kg of deck cargo.
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baza prac podwodnych

miejsce zainstalowania urządzeń technicznych i wyposażenia umożliwiających bezpieczne przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie prac podwodnych oraz czynności po ich zakończeniu
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Bureau Veritas

jednostka certyfikująca
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procedura w wyniku której strona trzecia udziela pisemnego zapewnienia, że wyrób, proces lub usługa są zgodne z wyspecjalizowanymi wymaganiami. Dokument potwierdzający pozytywną certyfikację może być wystawiony w formie np. świadectwa odbioru, świadectwa uznania typu wyrobu, metryki, itp
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certyfikat zgodności

dokument wydany zgodnie z zasadami Systemu Certyfikacji potwierdzający, iż należycie zdefiniowany, proces lub usługa wykazują zgodność z określoną normą lub innymi dokumentami normatywnymi.
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jednostka certyfikująca
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cykl certyfikacyjny

powtarzający się cyklicznie okres liczony od daty zakończenia przeglądu zasadniczego przyjęcia obiektu pod nadzór lub od daty odnowienia świadectwa, równy okresowi ważności świadectwa i obejmujący wszystkie należne przeglądy okresowe.
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czynnik oddechowy

stosowane do oddychania sprężone powietrze atmosferyczne, tlen lub mieszaninę oddechową
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kontrolowany proces obniżania ciśnienia oddziałującego na organizm nurka, prowadzony zgodnie z procedurą prac podwodnych
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Det Norske Veritas

jednostka certyfikująca
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długotrwałe prace podwodne

prace podwodne, których czas trwania przekracza 8 godzin, polegające na jednorazowym, ciągłym pozostawaniu nurka pod wpływem podwyższonego ciśnienia w czasie wykonywania prac pod powierzchnią wody i w czasie przebywania na powierzchni w komorze hiperbarycznej
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dzwon nurkowy

zbiornik ciśnieniowy, którego konstrukcja i wyposażenie pozwalają na transportowanie nurków pod powierzchnię wody
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część podwodna konstrukcji wsporczej
Zespół konstrukcji przenoszący obciążenia od wieży na podłoże gruntowe i podlegające obciążeniom hydrodynamicznym. Fundament znajduje się pod powierzchnią wody, w dnie lub bezpośrednio nad dnem, wraz z elementami znajdującymi się nad jej powierzchnią do miejsca, w którym fundament przyjmuje obciążenia charakterystyczne dla strefy zalewania oraz założonego najwyższego grzbietu poziomu fal. Główne typy fundamentów: grawitacyjne, monopal, kratownicowe, pływające
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fundament grawitacyjny

konstrukcja (zespół konstrukcji) w kształcie bryły foremnej lub obrotowej stosowany na najmniejszych głębokościach bez stałego powiązania z dnem morskim.
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fundament kratownicowy

tzw jacket, konstrukcja (zespół konstrukcji), którą tworzą słupy kratowe, stosowana na większych głębokościach.
Utwierdzane w dnie morskim przy pomocy elementów w postaci pali lub kesonów. W porównaniu do monopala są mniej materiałochłonne.
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fundament monopalowy

konstrukcja (zespół konstrukcji) w kształcie walca kończącego się cylindrycznym stożkiem wraz z konstrukcją elementu przejściowego tworzy fundament. Jest wwiercany lub wpijany w dno morskie.
Funkcją elementu przejściowego jest funkcja łączenia fundamentu z wieżą oraz funkcja cumownicza.
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fundament trójnożny

tzw. tripod, zbudowany jest z lekkiej stalowej konstrukcji o mechanice kratownicy opartej na trzech nogach, które przenoszą na morskie podłoże ciężar kolumny z siłownią wiatrową.
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fundamenty pływające

konstrukcja (zespół konstrukcji) posiadają zdolność do utrzymywania się na powierzchni wody bez konieczności instalowania na/w dnie morskim, jednak połączone z nim poprzez systemy kotwiące.
Wyróżniamy trzy podstawowe struktury fundamentów pływających: pływający słup (the spar), system TLP, pływający płaszcz (floating jacket)
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Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska (GDOŚ)

instytucja odpowiedzialna za realizację polityki ochrony środowiska
Zarządza ochroną przyrody, w tym obszarami Natura 2000, kontroluje procesy inwestycyjne. Realizuje zadania dotyczące zapobiegania szkodom w środowisku i naprawiania ewentualnych szkód, współpracuje z organami jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w sprawach oceny oddziaływania na środowisko i ochrony przyrody. Generalny Dyrektor Ochrony Środowiska powołuje 16 regionalnych dyrektorów ochrony środowiska wykonujących swoje zadania na obszarach poszczególnych województw.
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Germanischer Lloyd

jednostka certyfikująca
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głębinowe prace podwodne

prace prowadzone pod powierzchnią wody na głębokości większej niż 50 m
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IEC 60331

badanie zachowania ciągłości izolacji w warunkach pożaru
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IEC 60332

badanie rozprzestrzeniania płomienia na wiązkach i pojedynczej próbce
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IEC 60754

badanie emisji korozyjnych gazów
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IEC 61034

badanie gęstości emitowanych dymów
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infrastruktura liniowa

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infrastruktura punktowa

morska elektrownia wiatrowa i morska stacja transformatorowa
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jednostka badawcza

jednostki pływające wykorzystywane do zbierania danych i informacji na temat uwarunkowań środowiskowych obszaru planowanej MFW (m.i. jego biologii, geofizyki, geologi dna akwenu.
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jednostka certyfikująca

organizacja przeprowadzająca certyfikację
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jednostka instalacyjna

jednostka pływająca, wykorzystywana do instalacji infrastruktury liniowej, tzw. kablowce oraz do infrastruktury punktowej: dźwigi pływające, jednostki samopodnośne, jednostki półzanurzalne oraz udźwigowionych ciężarowców.
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jednostka utrzymania ruchu

jednostki pływające biorące udział w rozruchu i eksploatacji MFW.
Głównie CTV, SOV
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kabel eksportowy

część liniowa systemu elektroenergetycznego łącząca morką farmę wiatrową ( z platformy konwerterowej - o funkcji eksportowej) z punktem przyłączeniowym np. lądową stacją transformatorową.
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linowe elementy systemu elektroenergetycznego morskiej farmy wiatrowej, spełniające funkcje przesyłowe prądu oraz informacji.
Wyróżniamy kable sieci wewnętrznej, kable eksportowe.
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kable sieci wewnętrznej

część linowa systemu elektroenergetycznego łącząca morską elektrownię wiatrową z platformami transformatorowymi.
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komora dekompresyjna

zbiornik ciśnieniowy o konstrukcji i wyposażeniu umożliwiających prowadzenie pod opieką lekarza kompresji i dekompresji nurków
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komora hiperbaryczna

zbiornik ciśnieniowy o konstrukcji i wyposażeniu umożliwiających przebywanie w nim nurków w warunkach sztucznie wytworzonego podwyższonego ciśnienia atmosferycznego w czasie prowadzenia długotrwałych lub głębinowych prac podwodnych albo w celu przeprowadzania dekompresji
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kontrolowany proces wzrostu ciśnienia oddziałującego na organizm nurka, prowadzony zgodnie z procedurą prac podwodnych
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konstrukcja wsporcza

składowa morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
Znajduje się pomiędzy gondolą a podłożem gruntowym. Wyróżniamy część nawodną (wieża), przejściową i podwodną (fundament) oraz wyposażenie dodatkowe ( zbiór systemów i konstrukcji umożliwiający instalację, bezpieczną eksploatację, monitoring pracy). W platformach transformatorowych konstrukcją wsporczą jest tylko fundament.
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konstrukcje odbojowo-cumownicze

wyposażenie dodatkowe konstrukcji wsporczej
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konstrukcje przyłączeniowe

wyposażenie dodatkowe konstrukcji wsporczej morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
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lądowa stacja transformatorowa

stacja transformatorowa przyłączająca morską farmę wiatrową do krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego.
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Lloyd Register

jednostka certyfikująca
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Mareel Ocean Blue

With a very usable deck space. The vessels are constructed to cope with challenging seas, and are capable of transferring passengers in 2m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with a galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2014 Class BV Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 2 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Asset 2@2x VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 20.2 m Beam 7.8 m Draft 1.5 m Fwd deck space 33 m Aft deck space 8 m Cargo 10 t MACHINERY Main engines 2x Caterpillar C18 ACERT 860BHP, coupled to Twin Disc MGX gearboxes Propulsion Fixed pitch propeller Generators 2x 24KVA Caterpillar c2.2 PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 27 kts Service speed 25 kts Fuel consumption 137 lt/h* Fuel capacity 5.700 lt Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 1x 10ft container Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK4500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR
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Mareel Ocean Green

The vessel is driven by fixed pitch propeller, and has proven to be a very successful design. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with a galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2014 Class UK MCA Code of Practice Category 2 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Asset 2@2x VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 18.4 m Beam 7.3 m Draft 1.5 m Fwd deck space 17 m Aft deck space 15 m Cargo 10 t MACHINERY Main engines 2 x Caterpillar C18 ACERT 860BHP, coupled to twin disc MGX gearboxes Propulsion Fixed pitch propeller Generators 2x 24KVA Caterpillar c2.2 PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 27 kts Service speed 22–25 kts Fuel Capacity 5.700 lt* Fresh Water Tank Capacity 500 lt* Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 1x 10ft container Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR NAVIGATION AIDS Magnetic and GPS Compasses, GPS, GMDSS A1, DSC VHF radio, 2 x Radars, electronic chartdisplay, echosounder, Navtex, telephone, Class A AIS, email and internet access, windspeed indicator,speed log, MOB location system, autopilot, 2xSARTS, 1xEPIRB, CCTV camera system, talkback unit EQUIPMENT Resiliently mounted deckhouse for quiet and vibration free environment, 2 x Cat C 2.2 24 kw gensets, deck capacity 3 tonnes forwards; options include crane and fuel transfer system, optional crane
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Mareel Old Mauve

And a strong sea keeping ability, able to transfer personnel in conditions up to 1.6m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with 1x cabin, WC, showering facilities and a galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2011 Class DNVGL Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 2 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Old Mauve Top Old Mauve Side VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 19.1 m Beam 7.5 m Draft 1.1 m Fwd deck space 35 m Aft deck space 4 m Cargo 5 t MACHINERY Main engines 2x MTU 8V2000, Series M72 965BHP, coupled to ZF2000 gearboxes Propulsion Ultra Dynamics UJ575 Waterjet Generators 17KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 24 kts Service speed 22 kts Fuel consumption 77,9 lt/h* Fuel capacity 4.560 lt Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s N/A Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR
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Mareel Sage

– And a strong sea keeping ability, able to transfer personnel in conditions up to 1.75m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with 1x cabin, WC, showering facilities and a galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2012 Class DNVGL Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 2 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Mareel Saffron — ex Caernarfon Bay Saffron VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 21.45 m Beam 7.25 m Draft 1.1 m Fwd deck space 28 m Aft deck space 22 m Cargo 7 t MACHINERY Main engines 2x MTU 10V2000 Series M72 1,205BHP, coupled to Twin Disc MGX gearboxes Propulsion Ultra Dynamics UJ575 Waterjets Generators 14KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 25 kts Service speed 23 kts Fuel consumption 165.9 lt/h* Fuel capacity 6.000 lt Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR
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Mareel Titanium

The vessel is designed by BMT, with the passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with storage areas, galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet, WC, and showering facilities. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2012 Class DNV HSLC 1A1 R2 Wind Farm Service 1 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Cymyran Bay VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 28.1 m Beam 8.5 m Draft 1.85 m Fwd deck space 43 m Aft deck space 28 m Cargo 5 t MACHINERY Main engines 2 x MTU 12V 1,450 bhp driving through ZF 3050 gearboxex. Propulsion MJP 550 waterjets Generators 7KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 29 kts Service speed 22–25 kts Fuel Capacity 8.800 lt* Fresh Water Tank Capacity 200 lt* Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR NAVIGATION AIDS Magnetic and GPS Compasses, GPS, GMDSS A2, 2 x DSC VHF radios, MF/HF radio, 2 x Radars, electronic chart display, echosounder, Navtex, telephone, Class A AIS, email and internet access, windspeed indicator, speed log, MOB location system, autopilot, SART, EPIRB, Thermal camera and onboard CCTV system, talkback unit. EQUIPMENT Niaid active ride control system with T foils and aft interceptors controlled by motion sensing system, fuel transfer system, compatible with BMT Houlder Turbine Access System (TAS), container fixings for two x 10 ft containers on foredeck plus 1 container aft (St load) capacity 5 tonnes forwards, AK 10 LNE1 crane with capacity 1005 kg at 7.28m, BMT Nigel Gee/Turbine Transfers patented Active Fender System, resiliently mounted deckhouse for quiet (64dB) and vibration free environm ent, optional crane.
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Mareel Turquoise

The vessel is designed by BMT, with the passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with storage areas, galley area, TV/DVD, wireless internet, WC, and showering facilities. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2012 Class DNV HSLC 1A1 R2 Wind Farm Service 1 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes Cymyran Bay VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 28.1 m Beam 8.5 m Draft 1.85 m Fwd deck space 43 m Aft deck space 28 m Cargo 5 t MACHINERY Main engines 2 x MTU 12V 1,450 bhp driving through ZF 3050 gearboxex. Propulsion MJP 550 waterjets Generators 7KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 29 kts Service speed 22–25 kts Fuel Capacity 8.800 lt* Fresh Water Tank Capacity 200 lt* Bow fender Ocean 3 DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR NAVIGATION AIDS Magnetic and GPS Compasses, GPS, GMDSS A2, 2 x DSC VHF radios, MF/HF radio, 2 x Radars, electronic chart display, echosounder, Navtex, telephone, Class A AIS, email and internet access, windspeed indicator, speed log, MOB location system, autopilot, SART, EPIRB, Thermal camera and onboard CCTV system, talkback unit EQUIPMENT Niaid active ride control system with T foils and aft interceptors controlled by motion sensing system, fuel transfer system, compatible with BMT Houlder Turbine Access System (TAS), container fixings for two x 10 ft containers on foredeck plus 1 container aft (St load) capacity 5 tonnes forwards, AK 10 LNE1 crane with capacity 1005 kg at 7.28m, BMT Nigel Gee/Turbine Transfers patented Active Fender System, resiliently mounted deckhouse for quiet (64dB) and vibration free environm ent, optional crane
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Mareel Verdigris

CTV. turbine transfers
With a very usable deck space. The vessels are constructed to cope with challenging seas, and are capable of transferring passengers in 2m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, even in rough weather - fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with a galley area, shower, 4x cabins, WC, TV/DVD, and wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2015 Class DNVGL Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 1 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 26.7 m Beam 7.85 m Draft 1.6 m Fwd deck space 46 m Aft deck space 16 m Cargo 10 t MACHINERY Main engines 4x Caterpillar C18 ACERT 715BHP, coupled to ZF3000 gearboxes Propulsion Rolls Royce 36A3 Waterjets Generators 2x 3PH-24KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 29 kts Service speed 25 kts Fuel consumption 186.3 lt/h* Fuel capacity 15.800 lt Bow fender RG Seasight DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers, or 1x 20ft on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR
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Mareel Violet

With a very usable deck space. The vessels are constructed to cope with challenging seas, and are capable of transferring passengers in 2m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, even in rough weather - fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with a galley area, shower, 4x cabins, WC, TV/DVD, and wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2015 Class DNVGL Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 1 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes VESSEL SPEC CHURCH BAY vside VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 26.7 m Beam 7.85 m Draft 1.6 m Fwd deck space 46 m Aft deck space 16 m Cargo 10 t MACHINERY Main engines 4x Caterpillar C18 ACERT 715BHP, coupled to ZF3000 gearboxes Propulsion Rolls Royce 36A3 Waterjets Generators 2x 3PH-24KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 29 kts Service speed 25 kts Fuel consumption 186.3 lt/h* Fuel capacity 15.800 lt Bow fender RG Seasight ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers, or 1x 20ft on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional
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Mareel Viridian

With a very usable deck space. The vessels are constructed to cope with challenging seas, and are capable of transferring passengers in 2m/hs. The passenger saloon area provides a quiet, and comfortable atmosphere, even in rough weather - fully air-conditioned with suspension seating. The vessel is equipped with a galley area, shower, 4x cabins, WC, TV/DVD, and wireless internet. MAIN PARTICULARS Year Built 2015 Class DNVGL Windfarm service 1 IAI HSL. Category 1 Flag British Hull Material Aluminium Passengers 12 Crew 2–4 IMDG Yes M1 – Mill Bay Vessel Overview TOP ORIG vside VESSEL SPECIFICATION DIMENSIONS Length overall 26.7 m Beam 7.85 m Draft 1.6 m Fwd deck space 46 m Aft deck space 16 m Cargo 10 t MACHINERY Main engines 4x Caterpillar C18 ACERT 715BHP, coupled to ZF3000 gearboxes Propulsion Rolls Royce 36A3 Waterjets Generators 2x 3PH-24KVA Cummins Onan PERFORMANCE DATA Sprint speed 29 kts Service speed 25 kts Fuel consumption 186.3 lt/h* Fuel capacity 15.800 lt Bow fender RG Seasight DECK EQUIPMENT Container/s 2x 10ft containers, or 1x 20ft on the fwd deck. 1x 10ft container on aft deck. Fuel transfer Yes Jet Wash Yes Crane Palfinger, PK6500M Tiedowns Multiple points for cargo securing Survey Optional ONBOARD EQUIPMENT Electronic chart Compass Crew finder Iridium satcom Depth sounder AIS Compass VHF RADAR CCTV / FLIR
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morska elektrownia wiatrowa (MEW)

główny element morskiej farmy wiatrowej
Składa się gondoli z wirnikiem i konstrukcji wsporczej.
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morska farma wiatrowa (MFW)

składa się z morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej, infrastruktury liniowej (okablowanie) oraz punktowej (morskie stacje transformatorowe).
Nieodzownym elementem MFW jest udział jednostek pływających: badawczych, instalacyjnych, utrzymania ruchu.
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morska stacja transformatorowa

punktowy element systemu elektroenergetycznego, którego zadaniem jest zmiana parametrów prądu elektrycznego.
Elementy składowe: fundament i platforma.
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morskie wody wewnętrzne

rozciągają się od rzeczywistego brzegu lądu do wytyczonych linii podstawowych i zaliczane są w całości do terytorium państwa nadbrzeżnego.
W pasie morskich wód wewnętrznych państwo ma pełną jurysdykcję zarówno nad wodą, przestrzenią powietrzną, jaki i dnem i podziemiem morskim. Państwo nadbrzeżne reguluje dostęp do swoich wód wewnętrznych obcych statków i okrętów, określa warunki ich przebywania na tych wodach, określa status portów. Może zamknąć wody wewnętrze bez podania powodów. Na morskich wodach wewnętrznych nie obowiązuje prawo nieszkodliwego przepływu.
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MTS Indus

Dutch builts/screw, 26 x 6.8 x 3m, multi-purpose tug, Engine – Caterpillar 1775hp – 24t bp max, 250hp bowthruster, triple rudder system, twin drum towing winch, pushbow, fuel transfer, water transfer, Class - BV & MCA, Clear aft workingdeck with wood protection, stern roller
General Type of Vessel Multi-purpose tug Builders Wilton Fijenoord Schiedam. Total rebuild - 2003 Basic Functions Towing, mooring, barge handling, Dredging support, etc. Classification Bureau Veritas and MCA Cat 1-150 NM IMO Number 8884830 Gross Tonnage 97 Dimensions Length o.a. 25.26 m Beam o.a. 6.85 m Draught aft ±3.50 m Air Draught 7.10 m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 27.00 m3 Fresh Water 14.00 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 24.4 tons Speed (Max.) 12.5 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 1 x CAT Type 3512B HD Total Power 1775 hp (1324 kW) Gearboxes 1 x ZF Propulsion 1 x 4 blade fixed pitch propeller Diameter 2500 mm in Kort nozzle Rudders 3 x Hi-lift rudders Bow Thruster 250hp hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 1 x Perkins 1 x John Deere Capacity 40kva / 35kva, 50hz,220/380v Transfer Pumps For water and fuel Fuel Separator Alfa Laval Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x Pool (H.H.P.) Chain 24mm Towing Winch Twin drum hydraulic, 28T Towing Wire First drum 600m x 36mm Second drum 190m x 36mm Coupling Winch 2 x 40 ton Stern Deck Hard wood protected Features Accommodation Heated living spaces for 4 persons, mess room, galley and sanitary facilities, large wheelhouse. Naut & Com Equipt (GMDSS A300 EQUIPPED) 8000w Decklights 1 x Kotter type/ 1 x gyro compass Alphatron radar with ARPA DGPS with electronic chart plotter River & Sea pilot Autopilot Furuno FCV-582L Echo Sounder 2 x Sailor DSC - 2 x H/H VHF system SRH NAV -5 NAVTEX Communications include Inmarsat C/ SSB / phone / fax JRC AIS Class A
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MTS Statum

2008 Damen 3009 Shoalbuster multi-purpose shallow draft tug is suited to all types of marine work including towing, anchor handling, dredging support, mooring, windfarm construction & operations, marine civil construction. The MTS Statum produces 3300bhp with a bollard pull of 48 tonnes.
General Type of Vessel Shoalbuster 3009 Builder Damen Shipyards, The Netherlands Building Year 2008 Basic Functions Towing, mooring, Anchor Handling, Dredging support, Salvage Classification Bureau Veritas I Hull MACH Tug Unrestricted Navigation AUT-UMS IMO Number 9510671 Gross Tonnage 309 Call sign J8B5265 Flag / Registry St Vincent and The Grenadines, Kingstown Dimensions Length o.a. 30.08m Beam o.a. 9.10m Depth at sides 4.40m Draft aft 3.20m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 175.00 m3 Fresh Water 41.00 m3 Sewage 3.30 m3 Luboil 7.30 m3 Dirty Oil 4.30 m3 Bilge Water 4.30 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 48 tons Speed (Max.) 11.6 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x Caterpillar CAT3512 B TA Total Power 2460 KW (3300hp) Gearboxes Rentjes WAF773L Propulsion Twin Screw Fixed Pitch Propellers Diameter 2 x 2250mm in Optima nozzles Bow Thruster 250 bhp (Hydraulic) Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x Caterpillar C-4.4 TA Capacity 2 x 107 kva 50Hz 230/400V AC Hydraulic 1 x Caterpillar C18 TA-B Water Transfer Water - Type VWSI/R35-63 Fuel Transfer Fuel - Type VWSI/R35-63 Fuel Separator Alfa Laval MAB 103 Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x 300kg Pool HHP Anchor Winch Ridderinkhof Waterfall Towing Winch 100t - 50t Brake holding 1st Drum 750m x 44mm 2nd Drum 600m x 40mm Tugger Winch WK Hydraulics Stern Roller SWL 100t Towing Pins Hydraulic Shark Jaw Hydraulic 100t SWL Deck Crane Heila HLRM 170-3s Push Bow Full Length Rubber Fendered Features Accommodation Heated and fully air conditioned living spaces for 7 persons, a galley / mess & Sat TV Nautical & Communication Equipment Mag Compass - Cassens & Plath GmbH Radar - Furuno Radar / ARPA / Far 2117 GPS - Furuno GP-150 Chart System - MARIS ECDIS900 AIS - Furuno FA-150 Autopilot - Radio Holland / Sea Pilot 75 Searchlights - SEEMATZ / 74651 Type 525 Echosounder - Furuno FE-70 VHF Radios - 3 x Sailor RT5022 Navtex - Furuno NX-700 Wind Measurement - OMC 139 Communications include Computer, Phone, Fax, Sat Phone, Email
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MTS Taktow

Damen Stantug MK 4 twin screw, 23 x 6.8 x 3m, multi-purposetug, Engines – Caterpillar 1200hp– 18.5t bp max, Hiab deck crane, twindrum towing winch, push bow, fuel transfer, Class - BV Sea going unrestrictedtug, Clear aft working deck with wood protection, stern roller.
General Type of Vessel Damen Stantug Mk4 Yard Number Damen Shipyards Gorinchem Building Year Basic Functions Ship & Barge Towing, mooring, Barge handling, anchor handling, dredging support Classification IMO Number 8133827 Gross Tonnage 109 Call sign MBGN Dimensions Length o.a. 22.50 m Beam o.a. 6.80 m Depth at Sides 3.44 m Draught aft Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 29.50 m3 Fresh Water 5.60 m3 Lub Oil 0.90 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 18.2 tons Speed (Max.) 11.8 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x CAT Type V8 D379 TTA Total Power 1220 hp (955 kW) Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes 3,06:1 Propulsion 2 x Promarin fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 1550 mm in Kort nozzles Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x Caterpillar 220/380v Capacity 1 x 62 kva 1 x 68 kva Transfer Pumps For water and fuel Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x Pool (H.H.P.) Deck Crane HIAB 5 tm Anchor Winch Twin hydraulic plus capstan Anchor Handling Twin drum Brussell winch Towing Winch 525m/100m 32mm wire Capstan 5 ton (Stern deck) Stern Roller 3360mm hd fixed Features Accommodation Naut & Com Equipt
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MTS Terramare

Twin Screw Landing craft, 26.3 x 7.0m, draft 1.4m, multi-purpose / dive support vessel, 4pt mooring, 50t cargo, 640hp, deck crane, hydraulic bowdoor – MCA Cat 2 – 60nm. Cargo transfer, civil construction, dive platform, construction equipment & materials delivery.
General Type of Vessel Landing Craft Built / Year Germany / Rebuilt 2002 Classification MCA Cat 2 - 60 miles from safe haven IMO Number 904285 Gross Tonnage 115t Call Sign ZQWK6 Dimensions Length o.a. 26.3m Beam o.a. 7.0m Draft aft +/- 1.4m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 9 m3 Fresh Water 4 m3 Performances Speed (Max) 8 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x Daewoo (2006) MD 196TI Total Power 640hp Propulsion 2 x fixed pitch propellers Side Thruster Kort propulsion 20kw Gearboxes Twin disc Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets Generator 1: Daewoo 105KvA Generator 2: Cummings 156KvA Deck Lay-out Anchors 4 x 500kg Delta Flipper Anchors Deck Crane Hydraulic Crane SWL 6t will lift:- 2t @ 10m reach main drum 2 750m x 16mm wire rope 5.5t @ ships side work drus 2 x 100m x 16mm pennant Anchor Winch 4 x North Sea Winches Hydraulic Ramp: 4.6m x 4.4m Cargo Deck: 13.7m x 4.6m Available Payload on Deck: 50t Features Features Accomodation for 8 persons Power: 380v/220v/24v/12v Central Heathing Phone/Fax/Email/Sat Phone Galley/Mess Fridge/Freezers/Cooker/Microwave Shower/Toilet/WC Washer & Dryer Storeroom Nautical & Communication Equipment Raymarine C120 Plotter Simrad CX54 Plotter/Radar/Sounder Furuno GP32 GPS Furuno GP80 GPS Furuno FR7062 Radar Simrad Auto Pilot AP11 Sailor RT2048 Radio Icom IC/M 411 Radio CTRX Graphene AIS Hemisphere GPBVS110 Horizon HX28E Radio Diving Features Diving Compressor Bristol (HP) @ 9cfm 200 bar 4 stage ABAC (HP) 75cfm @ 12 bar 2 stage Misc Workshop General service LP air compressor Chainlocker Paintstore
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MTS Valiant

2008 Damen 2709 Shoalbuster multi-purpose tug is suited to all types of marine work including towing, anchor handling, dredging support, mooring, windfarm operations, marine construction. The MTS Valiant produces 3000 bhp with a bollard pull of 40 tonnes.
General Type Damen Shoalbuster 2709 Builder Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld Building year 2008 Basic functions Towing, mooring, Anchor handling, Dredging support Classification IMO Number 9476044 Gross Tonnage 221 Call sign 2AVA4 Dimensions Length o.a. 27.02 m Beam o.a. 9.65 m Depth at sides 3.60 m Draught aft Tank capacities Fuel Oil 121.6 m3 Fresh Water 30.10 m3 Luboil 3.90 m3 Hydraulic Oil 1.50 m3 Performaces Bollard pull 40 tons Speed (max) 12.3 knots Propulsion system Main Engines 2 x CAT Type 3512B TTA Total Power 3000 hp (2238 kW) at 1600rpm Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes WAF 664 Ł/5.95:1 Propulsion 2 x Promarin fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 2100 mm in Optima nozzles Bow Thruster 200 hp, hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2x Caterpillar C-4.4 TA 1xHatz 3L41C Capacity 2x 86.3 kva / 1x 20kva, 50hz,220/380v Transfer Pumps For water & fuel: make SIHI, 32 m3 / hr Fuel Separator Alfa Laval Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x 225kg Pool (H.H.P) Deck Crane HEILA 140-3SL, remote controlled with winch Anchor Winch Ridderinkhof, twin drum hydraulic Towing Winch Towing Wire 1st drum 600m x 42mm 2nd drum 350m x 36mm Tugger Winch 8T 30m Stern Deck Hydraulic anchor pins x 3 Features Accommodation Heated and fully air-conditioned living spaces for 7 persons, consisting of three single and two double crew cabin, a galley/mess & sanitary facilities.
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MTS Valonia

Fast multi purpose crew & cargo transport vessel, allweather, 20m mono hull vessel, windfarm bow fender, enclosed passenger seating, galleyetc, Engines 2 x MTU 1500hp total, 80hp bow thruster, 23 knts max, deck crane, 12m x 6m clear deck area, 10 ton deck cargo capacity, licensed for 10 passengers plus 2 crew, Class – MCA Cat 2 60 nm from safehaven.
General Type of Vessel Fast Crew & Cargo Transfer Vessel Builders Markos Australia Building Year 1995 - Redesigned 2010 UK Basic Functions Crew transfer, cargo transfer, dive support, windfarm & jack up support. Classification MCA Cat 2 - 60 miles from safe haven Dimensions Length o.a. 20.5 m Beam o.a. 6 m Draught aft 1.5 m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 6.00 m3 Fresh Water 1.0 m3 Performances Speed (Max.) 23 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2x MTU 560 series Total Power 1500 hp Gearboxes 1x Twin disc Propulsion 2x 5 blade pitch propellers Bow Thruster 1x 75 hp Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 1x Yanmar 220/380v Capacity 1x 30 kva Deck Lay-out Anchor 2x Kedge type Deck Crane Atlas 6 tm Deck layout Clear deck area 55m2 Windfarm Fender Bow Special windfarm bow fender Features Accomodation Heated living spaces for 2 persons, shower, WC, seating for 10 passengers, 10 tons cargo
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MTS Valour

Damen 2308, 23.5 x 8.65 x 2.1m, Shoalbuster multi-purpose tug, Class - BV and MCA Cat 1,150 nm from safe haven, Engines- Caterpillar 1720hp – 23t bp max, bowthruster, Heila 80t deck crane, 30t twin drum towing/ah winch with 500m/300m wire, 8t tugger winch with 30m wire, hydraulic towing pins, stern roller, A frame, plough, fuel and water transfer.
General Type of vessel Damen Shoalbuster 2308 Builder Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld - 2006 Basic functions Towing, mooring, anchor handling, Dredging support Classification IMO Number 9407299 Gross Tonnage 126 Call sign MPVV8 Dimensions Length o.a 23.35 m Beam o.a 8.65 m Depth at sides 2.99 m Draught aft Tank capacities Fuel oil 45.50 m3 Fresh water 13.90 m3 Luboil 1.30 m3 Hydraulic oil 0.90 m3 Performances Bollard pull 23 tons Speed (max) 11.5 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x CAT Type 3412D B TTA Total Power 1720 hp (1284 kW) Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes WAF 464 Ł/5,042:1 Propulsion 2 x Promarin fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 1600 mm in Optima nozzles Bowthruster 120 hp, hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 1 x John Deere 6068TF 258 1 x Hatz 4L41C Capacity 60kva / 30kva, 50hz,220/380v Transfer Pumps For water and fuel: make SIHI Fuel Separator Alfa Laval Deck lay-out Anchor Pool (H.H.P.) Chain 19mm Deck Crane HEILA 80-3S, remote controlled Anchor Winch Ridderinkhof hydraulic Towing Winch 30T - 6m/min Towing Wire First drum 550m x 34mm / Second drum 300m x 32mm Tugger Winch 8T 30m Stern Deck Hydraulic anchor pins x 3 Features Accommodation Nautical & Communication Equipment (GMDSS A300 EQUIPPED) 2 x Pesche 300w Searchlights 1 x Kotter type/ 1 x gyro compass Furuno FR 8051 ARPA Radar Furuno GP - 80 GPS system 2 x PCNAV Stations with Transas chart software Radio Holland Seapilot Autopilot Furuno FCV-582L Echo Sounder 2 x Sailor 5822 DSC - 2 x H/H VHF JRC AIS SRH NAV -5 NAVTEX Inmarsat C / SSB / phone / fax
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MTS Vanguard

2014 Damen 3209 Shoalbuster multi-purpose tug is suited to all types of marine work including towing, anchor handling, dredging support, mooring, windfarm construction/operations, marine civil construction. The MTS Vanguard produces 3500bhp with a bollard pull of 50 tonnes.
General Type of Vessel Damen Shoalbuster 3209 Builder Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld Building Year 2014 Basic Functions Towing, Anchor handling, Dredging support, Pushing Classification Bureau Veritas I Mach Tug Unrestricted IMO Number 9688673 Gross Tonnage 327 Call sign J8B5082 Flag / Registry St. Vincent / Kingstown Dimensions Length o.a. 32.27 m Beam o.a. 9.35 m Depth at sides 3.60 m Draft aft 3.30 m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 220.00 m3 Fresh Water 40.80 m3 Lube Oil 7.30 m3 Hydraulic Oil 3.10 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 50.5 t max Speed (Max.) 11.5 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x CAT Type 3512C TB/HD Total Power 3500 hp (2610 kW) @ 1600 rpm Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes WAF 773/6.44:1 Propulsion 2 x Promarin fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 2250mm in Optima nozzles Bow Thruster 350 hp (257kW) hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x Caterpillar C4.4 TA Capacity 2 x 107.5 kVA, 50Hz Hydraulic 1 x Caterpilar C18 TA-B Capacity 357 kW @ 1800 rpm Transfer Pump VWSI 8020, 50 m3/hr @ 4.8 bar Water VWSI 8020, 50m3/hr @ 4.8 bar Fuel Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x 360 kg Pool (HHP) Deck Crane Helia HLRM 170-4SL. 7.9 ton @ 15.93m Crane Winch 5 ton, Wire 50m x 18mm Anchor Winch DMT, WATW-H1000KN Towing Winch 150t brake holding Towing Wire 1st drum 850m x 44mm 2nd drum 750m x 44mm Tugger Winch Dromec HPV-12000, 12 ton Towing Pins WK - Hydraulics SWL 50 tons Chain Stopper WK - Hydraulics SWL 75 tons Features Accommodation Heated and fully air-conditioned living spaces for 7 persons, consisting of three single and two double crew cabin, a galley/mess & sanitary facilities.
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MTS Vanquish

2012 Damen 2909 Stantug is suited to all types of marine work including towing, anchor handling, dredging support, mooring, windfarm construction/operations, marine civil construction. The MTS Vanquish produces 4750bhp with a bollard pull of 68 tonnes.
Type of Vessel Damen TugBuster 3009 Builder Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld Building Year 2012 Basic Functions Towing, mooring, Anchor handling, Dredging support, Salvage, Fire Fighting Classifcation Lloyds Register 100 A1 Anchor Handling Tug, Unrestricted Service IMO Number 9559573 Gross Tonnage 272 Call sign 2HFK5 Flag / Registry UK. Falmouth Dimensions Length o.a. 29.24 m Beam o.a. 9.00 m Depth at sides 4.40 m Draught aft Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 135.1 m3 Fresh Water 20.6 m3 Luboil 3.9 m3 Hydraulic Oil 1.5 m3 Foam 10.0 m3 Dispersant 3.5 m3 Water Ballast 27.0 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 68.3 t bp Speed (Max.) 13.4 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x CAT Type 3516B TA HD/B Total Power 4750 hp (3542 kW) at 1600rpm Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes WAF 873/7.455:1 Propulsion 2 x Kaplan II fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 2650 mm Van De Giessen Optima nozzles Bow Thruster 350 hp, hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x Caterpillar C-4.4 TA Capacity 2 x 107 kva Transfer Pumps For water & fuel: make SIHI, 32 m3/hr Fuel Separator Alfa Laval Fi Fi Set Caterpillar 3406E TA, 1200 m3/hr at 10.5 Bar with 2 x 600 m3/hr Water/Foam Monitors Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x 360 kg Pool (H.H.P) Deck Crane HEILA 25-4S, remote controlled Anchor Winch DMT - Double Drum Anchor Handling 40T - 120t brake holding Towing Wire 1st drum 48mm x 750m 2nd drum 48mm x 500m Tugger Winch 8T 30m AH/Towing Pins Hydraulic Karmay 2 Forks, 2 Pins Stern Roller SWL 35 Ton Push Bow Full length push bow fitted Features Accomodation Heated and fully air-conditioned living spaces for 8 persons, consisting of two single and three double crew cabin, a galley/mess & sanitary facilities
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MTS Vantage

MTS Vantage 2011 Damen 2709 Shoalbuster multi-purpose tug is suited to all types of marine work including towing, anchor handling, dredging support, mooring, windfarm operations, marine construction. The MTS Vantage produces 3000 bhp with a bollard pull of 40 tonnes.
General Type of Vessel Damen Shoalbuster 2709 Builder Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld Building Year 2011 Basic Functions Towing, mooring, Anchor handling, Dredging support Classification IMO Number 9585261 Gross Tonnage 221 Call sign PCNE Dimensions Length o.a. 27.02 m Beam o.a. 9.65 m Depth at sides 3.60 m Draught aft Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 121.6 m3 Fresh Water 30.10 m3 Luboil 3.90 m3 Hydraulic Oil 1.50 m3 Performances Bollard pull 40 tons Speed (Max.) 12.3 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x CAT Type 3512B TTA Total Power 3000 hp (2238 kW) at 1600rpm Gearboxes 2 x Reintjes WAF 664 Ł/5.95:1 Propulsion 2 x Promarin fixed pitch propellers Diameter 2 x 2100 mm in Optima nozzles Bow Thruster 200 hp, hydraulically driven Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2x Caterpillar C-4.4 TA Capacity 2x 86.3 kva Transfer Pumps For water & fuel: make SIHI, 32 m3 / hr Fuel Separator Alfa Laval Deck lay-out Anchor 2 x 225kg Pool (H.H.P) Deck Crane HEILA 140-4SL, remote controlled Anchor Winch Ridderinkhof, waterfall Towing Winch 75T - 100t brake holding Towing Wire 1st drum 40mm x 750m 2nd drum 40mm x 400m Tugger Winch 8T 30m Stern Deck Hydraulic anchor pins x 3 Survey Moon Pool Starboard Midships Features Accommodation Heated and fully air-conditioned living spaces for 7 persons, consisting of three single and two double crew cabin, a galley/mess & sanitary facilities.
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MTS Vector

2008 Neptune Eurocarrier 2209 twin screw, 22 x 9.2 x 2.5m, Multicat multi-purpose vessel, Class – BV & MCA Cat 2, Engines - Caterpillar 1200hp – 17t bp max, Heila 140t deck crane, 50t twin drum towing/ah winch with 300m x 30mm wire, 12t tugger winch with 50m wire, anchor pins, bow roller, fuel and water transfer.
General Type of Vessel Eurocarrier 2209 Builders Neptune Marine Services B.V Building Year 2008 Basic Functions Civil engineering support, dredging support, dive platform, construction equipment and materials delivery, offshore renewables, vibracoring & CPT, anchor handling Classification Bureau Veritas, MCA Cat 2 Dimensions Length o.a. 21.6 mtr Beam o.a. 9.04 mtr Draught aft Approx 2.0 mtr (tanks 50% filled) Tank Capacities Fuel Oil (Day tank) 12 m3 Fuel Oil (Transfer) 45 m3 Fresh Water 31 m3 (for transfer) Transfer Pumps Diesel Fuel 40 m3/hour Fresh Water 40 m3/hour Performances Speed (Max.) 10 knots Bollard Pull 16 ton Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x Caterpiller C18 Total Power 1200 hp Propulsion 2 x 4 blade fixed pitch propellers in nozzles Diameter 2 x 1350 mm Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x John Deere 81/85 kva Deck Lay-out Deck Crane Helia 140 - 3S Anchor Winch 50 ton. low speed: 6mtr/min high speed: 21 mts/min 300m x 30mm wire Tugger Winch 10 Ton - 20mtr/min Capstan 4 ton Deck Clear deck area approx 95 m2 Store/Workshop Approx 28 m2 Features Extra Features 5 mtr wide bow roller for anchor handling Double push bow with rubber fender Towing bit with quick release hook Deck flood lights Safety equipment for 9 passengers plus 3 crew Accomodation For 6, all Air Conditioned Bridge Equipment Sailor RT5022 VHF DSC Furuno NX-700 Navtex Transas 3000 ECDIS Furuno FA-150 AIS Furuno GP-150 GPS Furuno SC-502 Satellite compass Furuno FCV-585 Ecosounder Furuno RDP-119 Radar Furuno RDP-118 Radar Sailor SC4150 Iridium satellite phone
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MTS Victory

Dutch built s/screw, 26.5 x 8.5 x 4.8m, multi-purpose tug, Class– MCA Cat 1, Engines - Alco 2675hp – 35t bp max, steering kort nozzle with cpp propeller, 250hp bow thruster, T/Trek 16t deck crane, towing winch with 900m wire, towing jaw, fuel and water transfer.
General Type of vessel Deep Sea tug Builders Visser Ship builders Netherlands Basic Functions Harbour or Sea Towing, Dredging Support, Barge Handling, Salvage Classification MCA Cat 1 - 150 miles from safe haven IMO Number 7510626 Gross Tonnage 182 Call sign 2EGC8 Dimensions Length o.a. 26.55 m Beam o.a. 8.55 m Draught aft 4.8 m (max) Performances Bollard Pull 35 tons Speed (Max.) 13.5 knots Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 80.00 m3 Fresh Water 17.00 m3 Lube Oil 7000 Lts Hydraulic Oil 500 Lts Propulsion System Main Engines ALCO 45A Total Power 2675 hp Propulsion 1x 4 CCP In Steering Nozzle Bow Thruster 1x 250 hp Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 1x Perkins 1x Caterpillar Capacity 160KW total 50hz, 220/380v Fire Fighting 1x Water / Foam Monitor 300m3/hr Deck Lay-out Deck Crane T Trek 16tm Towing Winch Single Drum Towing Wire 900 m x 44 mm Stern Deck Clear deck, hyd tow Jaw Features Accommodation Heated and air conditioned living spaces for up to 7 persons, galley & sanitary facilities. Nautical & Communication Equipment (GMDSS) A1 to A3 Sea 2x 500w Searchlights 2x deck worklights 2x Radar 1x PC Station c/w with Navigation Chart Software Autopilot Furuno Echo Sounder 3x Fixed DSC - 2 xH/HVHFF Navtex HF - SSB / Mobile phone / Full Sat. Communication AIS
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MTS Vigilant

2008 Damen 3009 Shoalbuster multi-purpose tug shallow draft is suited to all types of marine work including international towing, anchor handling, dredging, mooring, windfarm construction & operations, marine civil construction. The MTS Vigilant produces 3300bhp with a bollard pull of 48 tonnes.
General Type of Vessel Shoalbuster 3009 Multi Purpose Tug Builder Damen Shipyards, The Netherlands Building Year 2008 Basic Functions Towing, mooring, anchor handling, dredging support, salvage Classification Germanischer Lloyd: 100 A5 (Tug) MC - USL 2A IMO Number 9533969 Gross Tonnage 309 t Call sign J8135266 Flag / Registry St Vincent and The Grenadines. Kingstown Dimensions Length o.a. 30.08m Beam o.a. 9.10m Depth at sides 4.40m Draft aft 3.20m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 175,000 Litres Fresh Water 41,000 Litres Sewage 3,300 Litres Luboil 7,300 Litres Dirty Oil 4,300 Litres Bilge Water 4,300 Litres Performances Bollard Pull 48 tons Speed (Max.) 11.6 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x Caterpillar CAT3512 B TA Total Power 2460 KW (3300hp) Gearboxes Rentjes WAF773L Propulsion Twin Screw Fixed Pitch Propellers Diameter 2 x 2250mm in Optima Nozzels Bow Thruster 250 hp (Hydraulic) Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 x Caterpillar C-4.4 TA Capacity 2 x 107 kva 50Hz 230/400V AC Hydraulic 1 x Caterpillar C18 TA-B Water Transfer Type VWSI 8020 @ 32 m3/hr Fuel Transfer SIHI @ 32m3/hr Fuel Separator Westfalia DTC2-02-137 Deck Lay-out Anchor 2 x 300kg Pool HHP Anchor Winch Ridderinkhof Waterfall Towing Winch 100t - 50t Brake Holding 1st Drum 750m x 44mm Wire 2nd Drum 600m x 44mm Wire Tugger Winch WK Hydraulics Stern Roller SWL 100t Towing Pins Hydraulic Shark Jaw Hydraulic 100t SWL Deck Crane Heila HLRM 170-3s Push Bow Full Length Rubber Fendered Features Accommodation Heated and fully air conditioned living space for 7 persons, galley / mess & Sat TV Nautical & Communication Equipment Mag Compass - Cassens & Plath GmbH Radar - Furuno / ARPA / Far 2117 GPS - Furuno GP-150 Chart System - Transas Navi Sailor 4000 ECDIS AIS - Furuno FA-150 Autopilot - Radio Holland / Sea Pilot 75 Searchlight - SEEMATZ / 74651 Type 525 Echosounder - Furuno FE-70 VHF Radios - 3 x Sailor RT5022 Navtex - Furuno NX-700 Wind Measurment - OMC 139 Communications include Computer, Phone, Fax. Sat Phone, Email
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MTS Viking

2018 Neptune Eurocarrier 2209 twin screw, 22 x 9 x 2.5m, Multicat multi-purpose vessel, Class – BV GMDSS A1, Engines - Caterpillar 1200hp – 16t bp max, Effer 145t deck crane, 50t twin drum towing/ah winch with 350m x 30mm wire, 10t tugger winch with 50m wire, anchor pins, bow roller, fuel and water transfer.
General Type of Vessel Eurocarrier 2209 Builder Neptune Marine Services B.V. Building Year 2018 Basic Functions Civil engineering support, anchor handling, dredging support, dive platform, construction equipment and materials delivery, offshore renewables, vibracoring & CPT survey Classification Bureau Veritas HULL MACH AUT-UMS, Coastal MCA CAT 2 Dimenstions Length o.a. 21.60m Beam o.a 9.04m Depth at Side 2.8m Draft +/- 2.0m [50% tanks] Gross Tonnage 135t Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 56 m3 Fresh Water 59 m3 Transfer Pumps Fuel : 80 m3 / hr Water : 80 m3 /hr Performances Speed [Max.] 10 knots Bollard Pull 16 ton Propulsion System Main Engines 2 x Caterpillar C18 Total Power 1200hp Propulsion 2 x 4 blade fixed pitch propellers in nozzles Diameter 2 x 1350 mm Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 2 Caterpillar C4.4, 1 x radiator cooled, 1 box cooled Total E-Power 186 kw Hydraulic Power 2 x 55 kw Bow Thruster 90 kw Tunnel Truster, SB pushbow Deck Layout Deck Crane EFFER 145t 3s. 7.7t @ 15m Anchor / Towing Winch 50 ton 10m / min Split drum Towing Rope 350 m x 30mm Certified towing rope Tugger Winch 10t Towing Hook Mampaey 20t SWL Features Extra Features 5 mtr wide bow roller for anchor handling Accomodation Airconditioned accomodation for up to 5 persons Bridge Equipment VSat Communiction System with VoIP Sailor 6222 VHF DSC Furuno NX-700A Navtex Furuno FA-170 AIS Furuno GP-170D GPS Jotron Tronsart-20 Furno FAR-2117 Radar Jotron Tron-60s EPIRB Cassens & Plath Binnacle 180 Mag Compass Furuno BR-500 BNWAS Jotron Tron TR30 GMDSS Handheld radios Furuno FCV-585 Echo Sounder Furuno SC-50 Satellite Compass
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MTS Viscount

Type of Vessel Twin Screw Deep Sea tug Builders Cochrane Shipbuilders UK Building Year 1977 Basic Functions Harbour or Sea Towing, Dredging Support, Barge Handling Classification Tug BV Deep Sea IMO Number 7610012 Gross Tonnage 369 Call sign J8B5526 Twin screw, 35 x 10.5 x 5.0m, Tug , Class – BV Sea going tug un-restricted, Engines - Ruston – 52t bp max, 20t deck crane, single drum towing with 1000m wire, towing pins, fuel and water transfer.
Dimensions Length o.a. 35.01 m Beam o.a. 10.5 m Draught aft 5.2 m (max) Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 190.00 m3 Fresh Water 20.00 m3 Lube Oil 3000 Lts Hydraulic Oil 500 Lts Performances Bollard Pull 52 tons Speed (Max.) 12 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2x Ruston Type 8RK3CM Total Power 3475 hp Gearboxes 2x Brevo Propulsion 2x 4 blade fixed pitch propellers Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets 3x Perkins Capacity 276 total 50hz, 220/380v Deck Lay-out Deck Crane Fassi F200 20tm Towing Winch Single Drum Towing Wire 1000 m x 48 mm Stern Deck Clear deck, hyd tow pins, 2nd drum Spare Wire 550 m x 48 mm Features Accomodation Heated and air conditioned living spaces for up to 10 persons, galley & sanitary facilities. Nautical & Communication Equipment (GMDSS) A1 to A3 Sea 2x 500w Searchlights 3x deck worklights 2x Radar 1x PC Station c/w with Navigation Chart Software Autopilot Furuno Echo Sounder 3x Fixed DSC - 2 xH/HVHFF Navtex HF - SSB / Mobile phone / Full Sat. Communication AIS
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MTS Vulcan 2

2011 Damen 1606 Stantug, twin screw, 16 x 6.2 x 2.0m, push tug/workboat/ploughboat, Engines – Caterpillar – 1200hp, 17t bp max, 30kva aux, Class - MCA Cat 2, 60 nm from safehaven, Heila deck crane, towing winch, coupling winches, towing winch, sternroller, push bow, fly bridge, A frame
General Type of Vessel Tug / Workboat Builders Damen Netherlands Building Year 2011 Basic Functions Towing, barge handling, crew transfer, dredging support, seabed ploughing Classification MCA Cat 2 - 60 miles from safe haven Dimensions Length o.a. 16.6 m Beam o.a. 6 m Draught aft 2.3 m Tank Capacities Fuel Oil 14.2 m3 Fresh Water 1.1 m3 Performances Bollard Pull 17 tons max. Speed (Max.) 11.2 knots Propulsion System Main Engines 2x CAT C18 TA/B Total Power 1200 hp Gearboxes 1x Reintjes 4.5:1 Propulsion 2x Kaplan 3 blade Diameter 2x 1350 mm in Kort nozzles Auxiliary Equipment Generator Sets CAT C2.2 Capacity 18 kva Deck Lay-out Anchor 2x 80 kg Pool HHP Deck Crane Helia HLM 3.25 Anchor Winch Elec powered Towing Winch Single drum hydraulic with 250 m wire Coupling Winches 2x 25 t manual coupling winches for pushing Equipment Flybridge High command position for pushing A Frame More details on request 6m Plough More details on request Features Accomodation Heated and air conditioned living spaces for up to 4 persons, shower, WC & galley
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The Njord Alpha is built to the hugely popular Damen 2610 design with a few key modifications made by Njord such as a reconfigured passenger saloon which improves on passenger comfort and vastly improved passenger visibility / more windows to give a lower instance of passenger seasickness. Since delivery the Njord Alpha has proven itself to be a robust and dependable member of Njord’s fleet.
Vessel Type 26m LOA FPP "TwinAxe" (12pax) Built 2014 Length Overall 25.75m Breadth Moulded 10.4m Service Draft 2.0m Main Engines 2 X Caterpillar C32 TTA Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 90m2 Total Deck Load 13.5mt Sprint / Service Speed 24.0knots / 22.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2012 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type 26m LOA Quad IPS (24pax) Built 2016 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2013 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type 26m LOA Quad IPS (24pax) Built 2016 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type 26m LOA Quad IPS (12pax) Built 2015 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2012 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2013 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS (12pax) Built 2015 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type 26m LOA Quad IPS (12pax) Built 2015 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2013 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2013 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2014 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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These vessels have worked on both construction and service projects across the majority of northern European offshore wind farms and have proven themselves a very popular choice with our customers.
Vessel Type 21m LOA FPP (12pax) Built 2014 Length Overall 20.6m Breadth Moulded 7.4m Service Draft 1.65m Main Engines 2 X MTU 8V2000 M72 Propulsion 2 X FPP (Optimised for speed and bollard push) Total Deck Space 59.5 m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.0knots / 23.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 26m LOA Quad IPS vessel class was created in order to offer the offshore renewables market an extremely high performance vessel with an unparalleled level of redundancy, this in turn makes these vessels ideally suited to working on the further offshore windfarms in all seasons. Due to the large deck cargo and bunker carrying capacity many of these vessels have found themselves in SOV support roles.
Vessel Type 26m LOA Quad IPS (12pax) Built 2015 Length Overall 26.3m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.8m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 110m2 Total Deck Load 20.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 12
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The Njord 23m LOA CPP vessel design was developed in order to fulfill a specific customer need to provide a high performance, large passenger capacity vessel within the 23m LOA range. We have built upon many of the successful design features of our other vessel types as well as utilising some new and innovative technologies
Vessel Type 23m LOA CPP (24pax) Built 2019 Length Overall 23.0m Breadth Moulded 8.0m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 2 X Man D2862 LE423 Propulsion 2 X Servogear CPP Deck Space 50 m2 Deck Load 12.5mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.5knots / 24.3knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 23m LOA CPP vessel design was developed in order to fulfill a specific customer need to provide a high performance, large passenger capacity vessel within the 23m LOA range. We have built upon many of the successful design features of our other vessel types as well as utilising some new and innovative technologies.
Vessel Type 23m LOA CPP (24pax) Built 2019 Length Overall 23.0m Breadth Moulded 8.0m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 2 X Man D2862 LE423 Propulsion 2 X Servogear CPP Deck Space 50 m2 Deck Load 12.5mt Sprint / Service Speed 25.5knots / 24.3knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 27m LOA Quad IPS vessel design is based on the successful 26m LOA Quad IPS design with some innovative new features such as a floor to ceiling front windscreen that gives our masters an industry leading view of cargo and personnel transfer operations, larger fuel and fresh water capacity that increase the vessel’s offshore endurance and our Z=bow hull design that aims to remove buoyancy from the bow of the vessel which assists with push-on performance.
Vessel Type 27m LOA Quad IPS Z-Bow (24pax) Built 2018 Length Overall 27.0m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 102m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 27m LOA Quad IPS vessel design is based on the successful 26m LOA Quad IPS design with some innovative new features such as a floor to ceiling front windscreen that gives our masters an industry leading view of cargo and personnel transfer operations, larger fuel and fresh water capacity that increase the vessel’s offshore endurance and our Z=bow hull design that aims to remove buoyancy from the bow of the vessel which assists with push-on performance.
Vessel Type 27m LOA Quad IPS Z-Bow (24pax) Built 2018 Length Overall 27.0m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 102m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 27m LOA Quad IPS vessel design is based on the successful 26m LOA Quad IPS design with some innovative new features such as a floor to ceiling front windscreen that gives our masters an industry leading view of cargo and personnel transfer operations, larger fuel and fresh water capacity that increase the vessel’s offshore endurance and our Z-bow hull design that aims to remove buoyancy from the bow of the vessel which assists with push-on performance.
Vessel Type 27m LOA Quad IPS Z-Bow (24pax) Built 2020 Length Overall 27.0m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 102m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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The Njord 27m LOA Quad IPS vessel design is based on the successful 26m LOA Quad IPS design with some innovative new features such as a floor to ceiling front windscreen that gives our masters an industry leading view of cargo and personnel transfer operations, larger fuel and fresh water capacity that increase the vessel’s offshore endurance and our Z=bow hull design that aims to remove buoyancy from the bow of the vessel which assists with push-on performance.
Vessel Type 27m LOA Quad IPS Z-Bow (24pax) Built 2020 Length Overall 27.0m Breadth Moulded 9.2m Service Draft 1.6m Main Engines 4 X Volvo D-13 700 DST Propulsion 4 X Volvo IPS Drive (With DP function) Total Deck Space 102m2 Total Deck Load 10.0mt Sprint / Service Speed 26.0knots / 24.0knots Passenger Capacity 24
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Technical specifications Build 2010 Type Multicat Registered Lübeck Flag Germany Classification BV Hull-Mach / Tug Unrestricted navigation / AUT-UMS GRT 115 Dimensions LoA: 23,50 m Breath: 9,00 m Draft: 2,00 m min / 2,50 m Deck Equipment douple drum AH towing winch, 600 m / 30 mm, 300 m / 32 mm 30 tons @ 6 m/min., 6 tons @ 24 m/min towing hook tugger winch 8 tons @ 4,5 m/min bow and stern roller 25 tons each front deck crane HEILA HLRM 140-4S 6,5 tons @ 14,10 m Aft deck crane HEILA 25-4S 1,6 tons @ 12,50 m moonpool 1000 mm x 700 mm free working deck, wood covered, 10 tons/m≤ Propulsion 2 x Caterpillar 3412D TTA/B, 1.696 bhp @ 1.800 rpm 2 x Reintjes WAF 464 2 x Ice strengthened FPP in nozzles Bow thrusters electrical driven, 220 KW Auxilary Caterpillar C-09, with 162 KW hydraulic power pack Caterpillar C-04.4T 2 x 63,8 KvA, 400 V Speed 10 kn Bollard Pull 24 to Transfer pumps Fuel supply 50 cbm / hr @ 4,8 bar Fresh water supply 50 cbm / hr @ 4,8 bar Bridge & Communication According GMDSS “A1” 2 VHF Inmarsat-C Navtex Radar (ATA, ARPA) GPS AIS Autopilot Echosounder Magnet compass Satellite compass Chart plotter 2 Searchlights GSM and Sat phone Accommodation 3 x single cabins 1 x double cabin option for one 20` living container (DNV-GL class approved)
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Tug Boat
Technical specifications Rebuild 2008 Type Ancor Handling Tug Registered Lübeck Flag Germany Classification SBG Coastal trade, acc. GL100A5K GRT 100 Dimensions LoA: 23,50 m Breath: 8,00 m Draft: 2,85 m / 3,05 m max. Deck Equipment towing winch, 400 m / 30 mm towing hook 30 mton 2 pushing winches 60 mton each stern roller free working deck, wood covered Heila hydraulic crane 9,3 mton @ 6,60 m Heila hydraulic crane 4,5 mton @ 11,50 m Propulsion 1 x Cummins KTA 50 M3, 1.176 KW @ 1.800 rpm Hydraulic Reintjes reverse gear Ice strengthened FPP in steering Kort nozzle with additional high performance Becker rudder behind Bow thrusters electrical driven, 220 KW Auxilary Deutz 63 KVA, 220 / 380 V Deutz 200 kVA 220 / 380 V Speed 13 kn Bollard Pull 18 to Bridge & Communication According GMDSS “A1” 2 Radar (ATA, ARPA) 2 GPS AIS Autopilot Echosounder Magnet compass Satellite compass Chart plotter 2 Searchlights GSM and Sat phone Accommodation up to 7
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Multi-purpose Tug
Classification / Flag: Flag / Homeport Germany/Lübeck Year of built 2001 Call sign DKSL2 IMO number 9229544 Dimensions: Length O.A. 25,80 meters Beam / width 7,60 meters Draft (min. – max.) 2,30 – 2.75 meters Air draft 14,0 meters (with 2,4m draft) Air draft (with mast lowered) 10,0 meters (with 2,4m draft Gross tonnage 167 GT Deck cargo cap. 2x 1 TEU Clear deck area 55 m2 Cargo deck load 2 tons per m2 Tank capacities / Transfer: Transfer of fuel oil 15 m3/hr Transfer of fresh water 10 m3/hr Machinery / Performances: Bollard pull 23,2 tons Max speed 10,0 knots Main engines 2x Deutz TBD616V12 Total output 1.374 kW = 1.870 BHP Propulsion Twin fixed propellers in nozzles Bow thruster 90 kW / 120 BHP Deck Equipment: Winch Single drum Hagglunds Winch 2 bow anchors each 1,30 ts, chain length 2 x 265m Pull force 220 kN Holding force 90 kN/m (band brake) Tow wire 600 meters Tow wire diameter 38 millimeters Towing pins Yes Push bow Rubber Fender Stern roller 3,30 meters x 0,55 meters Main marine deck crane HEILA HLRM 80-3S Maximum lift capacity 5.3 tons @ 12.04 meters Accommodation: Facilities Airconditioned, 7 berths Navigation & Radio: V-Sat, GSM, GMDSS A1-A2, Radar, EPIRB, SSB, Speed log, Inmarsat C, GPS, AIS, Echo sounder, Autopilot, 2x Compass, Navtex & VHF
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Offshore Support Vessel
Technical specifications Classification: Bureau Veritas GRT 175 Dimensions: LOA : 28,50 m Breadth : 8,00 m Draft: 1,70 m min. Propulsion: - John Deere 6135 AFM85 355 KW @ 1.800 rpm - Reintjes WAF 464 - Ice strengthened FPP in steerable nozzle Auxilary: - 2 x Genset 88 KVA / 400 V - 1 x Genset 100 KVA / 400V - 1 x Hydraulic Power Pack 260 KW (bow thruster) - 1 x Hydraulic Power Pack 80 KW (winches and crane) Bow thrusters: 2 x Schottel rudder propeller, 240 KW Speed: 9,3 kts Bollard pull: 7,5 to Spud legs: 2 x 12 m / 500 mm dia for a water depth fill 10 m Deck equipment: - 2 bow anchor 0,4 to each - chain length 2 x 135 m - 4 point-mooring winches, 400 m wire each - 4 x 0,5 to Delta Flipper anchors - 1 x anchor handling / tugger winch - Hydraulic marine crane 8,70 to @ 5,20 m / 2,21 @ 16,45 m Cargo area: - Free working deck: 118 m², wood covered - Cargo hold / work shop: 17,5 m² / 35 m³ - Deck load capacity: 75 to - Fuel capacity: 45 to - Fresh water capacity: 37 to Transfer pumps: - Fuel 30 m³ / hr @ 4,8 bar - Fresh water 30 m³ / hr @ 4,8 bar Bridge & Communication: - Radio installation according GMDSS “A2” - Inmarsat-C - Navtex - Radar (ATA, ARPA) - GPS - Echosounder - Magnet and satellite compass - Chart plotter - 2 Searchlights - GSM and Sat phone Accommodation: Ships crew: 4 x single cabins Charterers crew: 1 x double cabin (24 h operation) 2 x double cabins (12 h operation) option for one 20` acco-module
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Offshore Support Vessel
Technical specifications Rebuilt 2011 Type Offshore Support Vessel Registered Lübeck Flag Germany Classification Det Norske Veritas GRT 590 Dimensions LoA: 53,70 m Breath: 11,00 m Draft: 3,55 m Cargo Area Loading cap. Total: 710,00 ts Loading cap. Deck: 300,00 ts Free working deck space: 261,00 sqm (wood covered) Length: 29,00 m Beam: 9,00 m Fuel capacity: 430,00 ts Freshwater: 123,00 ts Deck Equipment Twistlock-system (20´) Cargo lash rings Cargo reling Connection manifold for fuel supply Connection manifold for freshwater supply 1 FRC NVP 6,60 m, 15 pers. 2 Yamaha, 120 hp Deck Equipment 2 bow anchors each 1,30 ts, chain length 2 x 265m 1 add. bow anchor Delta Flipper Type 1,50 ts 1 add. anchor working winch, 600 m wire, 30 mm 1 stern anchor Delta Flipper Type 1,50 ts 1 stern anchor-/working winch, 600 m wire, 28 mm stern roller 1,20 m dia. fuel supply pump 30 cub / h freshwater supply pump 30 cub / h 1 hydraulic Palfinger marine crane with winch and sea compensation, 6 ts @ 10,0 m, 3 ts @ 13,0 m 2 hydraulic 5 ts capstan at the aft deck 1 hydraulic tugger winch 6 ts Propulsion 2 MWM TBD 440-8, 1.300 KW @ 800 rpm 2 gearboxes Typ Masson 2 propeller High performance rudder Bow thrusters 1 Bow thruster Brunvoll 280 KW 1 Stern thruster Voith Inline Thruster 185 KW Auxilary 3 Cummins-Diesel, each 312 KVA, 200 / 400 V 750 KW total electric power 2 hydraulic power-packs Speed 13 kn Bollard Pull 25 to Bridge & Communication 2 Radar Furuno FAR-2117 BB (ARPA, AIS) 2 GPS / DGPS Furuno GP-150 (Waaf Egnos) 1 Furuno Echosounder FCV-585 1 Furuno Echosounder FE-700 1 Lowrance Sonar Sturcture Scan 2 VHF DSC Furuno FM-880 S 1 HF DSC Furuno FS-1570 1 Inmarsat C Furuno Felcom 15 1 Fleet Broadband Sat telephone Furuno Felcom 250 1 AIS Furuno FA-150 1 Autopilot Navitron NT951G 2 electronic chart systems 1 magnet compass 1 gyro compass Anschütz 1 search light 2000 watt 1 search light 2000 watt xenon complete aft, port and starboard manoeuvring station Accommodation Ships Crew: 6 single cabins Charterers Crew: 4 single cabins + 2 double cabins Mess- and TV- room for 18 persons Fitness room SAT TV Intellian i4 Internet connection in all cabins
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osobę wykonującą prace pod powierzchnią wody w sprzęcie nurkowym albo pozostającą w warunkach sztucznie wytworzonego podwyższonego ciśnienia atmosferycznego
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obiekt zanurzalny

dzwon nurkowy, pojazd podwodny, batyskaf lub inne urządzenie przeznaczone do przebywania w nim osób w czasie wykonywania prac podwodnych
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organizator prac podwodnych

osobę fizyczną, osobę prawną oraz jednostkę organizacyjną niemającą osobowości prawnej, świadczącą usługi w zakresie prac podwodnych oraz organizującą te prace
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platforma kolektorowa

pełni funkcję elementu pośredniego (połączone są tylko z częścią turbin) w systemie elektroenergetycznym morskiej farmy wiatrowej.
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platforma konwerterowa

pełni funkcję eksportową tj. stanowi punktowy element systemu elektroenergetycznego łączący morską farmę wiatrową z krajowym systemem elektroenergetycznym.
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platforma prądu przemiennego

składowa morskiej stacji transformatorowej, wyróżniamy platformy kolektorowe i platformy konwerterowe
Platformy kolektorowe pełnią funkcję elementu pośredniego (połączone są tylko z częścią turbin) w systemie elektroenergetycznym morskiej farmy wiatrowej. Platformy typu konwerterowego pełnią funkcję eksportową tj. stanowią punktowy element systemu elektroenergetycznego łączący morską farmę wiatrową z krajowym systemem elektroenergetycznym.
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platforma prądu stałego

wchodzi w skład systemu przyłączeniowego morskiej farmy wiatrowej do krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego.
Kluczowym parametrem przy analizie możliwych rozwiązań jest odległość morskiej farmy wiatrowej od punktu przyłączeniowego systemu. Konstrukcja złożona i bardzo kosztowna.
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Polski Rejestr Statków (PRS)

jednostka certyfikująca
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prace podwodne

czynności wykonywane przez osoby pozostające pod powierzchnią wody w sprzęcie nurkowym lub w warunkach sztucznie wytworzonego podwyższonego ciśnienia atmosferycznego, a także czynności wykonywane na powierzchni przez osoby organizujące te prace oraz obsługujące urządzenia bazy prac podwodnych
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prace podwodne na małych głębokościach

prace prowadzone pod powierzchnią wody na głębokości do 20 m
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prace podwodne wykonywane w trudnych warunkach

czynności wykonywane pod powierzchnią wody w nocy, w czasie opadów atmosferycznych, przy temperaturze powietrza lub wody niższej niż 4°C, przy temperaturze powietrza wyższej niż 25°C, temperaturze wody wyższej niż 35°C, gdy widzialność w toni wodnej jest mniejsza niż 1 m, przy prędkości prądu wody większej niż 0,5 m/s i w akwenach górskich położonych powyżej 300 m nad poziomem morza
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procedura prac podwodnych

procedura prac podwodnych – sposób postępowania przy wykonywaniu prac podwodnych, określający kolejność wykonywanych czynności, rodzaj sprzętu nurkowego, głębokość zanurzania, rodzaj i czas dekompresji, dopuszczalny czas pracy i przebywania w warunkach podwyższonego ciśnienia, długość przerw pomiędzy kolejnymi zanurzeniami, zasady asekuracji, łączności i postępowania w przypadku awarii lub wystąpienia objawów choroby dekompresyjnej
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przesuwnik fazowy

rodzaj transformatora umożliwiający regulację kąta napięcia w sieci energetycznej, a przez to zmianę rozpływów mocy w sieci.
Instalowane są z reguły w lądowych stacjach transformatorowych na granicach dwóch systemów energetycznych (dwóch państw), zabezpieczając w ten sposób lokalny system przed niekontrolowanym przepływem mocy i zjawiskiem blackoutu.
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Registro Italiano Navale

jednostka certyfikująca
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Rozporządzenie BHP

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 19 maja 2004 r. w sprawie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy przy wykonywaniu prac podwodnych
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Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie warunków zdrowotnych

Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 17 września 2007 r. w sprawie warunków zdrowotnych wykonywania prac podwodnych.
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Rozporządzenie szkoleniowe

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 25 czerwca 2010 r. w sprawie szkolenia i egzaminowania osób ubiegających się o uprawnienia do wykonywania prac podwodnych.
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Rozporządzenie w sprawie budowy obiektu zanurzalnego

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 6 lipca 2004 r. w sprawie wymagań w zakresie budowy obiektu zanurzalnego, jego stałych urządzeń i wyposażenia oraz wzoru certyfikatu bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji i wyposażenia obiektu zanurzalnego
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Rozporządzenie w sprawie wzorów dokumentów nurkowych

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i rozwoju z dnia 16 października 2015 r. w sprawie szczegółowego trybu wydawania dyplomów, świadectw, książeczek nurka oraz dziennika prac podwodnych, a także wzorów tych dokumentów
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Rozporządzenie z sprawie warunków zdrowotnych – Nowelizacja

Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 11 lutego 2011 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie warunków zdrowotnych wykonywania prac podwodnych.
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sprzęt nurkowy

wyposażenie i urządzenia techniczne nakładane bezpośrednio na ciało nurka, składające się z aparatu oddechowego lub innego urządzenia doprowadzającego czynnik oddechowy, skafandra, środków ochrony głowy, odzieży ocieplonej i ochronnej, butów lub płetw, kompensatorów pływalności, pasów nośnych, stelaża, liny sygnałowej, noża, narzędzi oraz wyposażenia dodatkowego
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stacja kontrolno-pomiarowa

monitoring, w czasie rzeczywistym, warunków i parametrów pracy morskiej farmy wiatrowej.
System SCADA: pozycja łopat wirników danej turbiny, aktualne parametry prądu w morskiej stacji transformatorowej, stan systemów i instalacji bezpieczeństwa, itp.
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system pomiaru warunków meteorologicznych

wyposażenie dodatkowe konstrukcji wsporczej morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
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system pomiaru warunków pracy

wyposażenie dodatkowe konstrukcji wsporczej morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
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system SCADA

komputerowy system nadzorujący przebieg pracy i produkcji morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej obejmujący zbieranie danych (pomiarów), ich wizualizację, sterowanie procesami, alarmowanie oraz archiwizację.
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system YAW

zespół mechanizmów umożliwiający gondoli turbiny wiatrowej samoczynne i automatyczne ustawienie gwarantujące optymalne wykorzystanie siły wiatru istniejącej w danym czasie.
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szczególnie niebezpieczne prace podwodne

czynności wykonywane pod powierzchnią wody z zastosowaniem materiałów wybuchowych lub pirotechnicznych, przy skażeniu substancjami niebezpiecznymi lub stwarzającymi zagrożenie albo ich mieszaninami niebezpiecznymi lub stwarzającymi zagrożenie, przy cięciu i spawaniu metali, przy użyciu urządzeń hydraulicznych i pneumatycznych, przy poszukiwaniu, przenoszeniu i rozbrajaniu min lub amunicji, a także przy prowadzeniu prób nowego sprzętu nurkowego lub sprawdzaniu nowych technologii prac podwodnych
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główny element morskiej farmy wiatrowej
Konwertuje ona energię kinetyczną pozyskiwaną z wiatru na trójfazowy prąd elektryczny. W jej skład wchodzą trzy główne elementy: gondola, wirnik (którego głównym elementem są łopaty) i wieża. Gondola znajduje się na szczycie turbiny i mieści się w niej generator energii elektrycznej. Ma masę od 150 do około 300 ton. Wirnik w morskiej energetyce wiatrowej składa się zazwyczaj z trzech łopat, wykonanych z kompozytów zawierających włókno szklane, poliester, żywicę epoksydową, a niekiedy także włókno węglowe. Wieża: głównym materiałem używanym przy produkcji wież jest blacha stalowa. Waga wieży zależy przede wszystkim od mocy turbiny, która wpływa na jej wysokość i tym samym masę. 100-metrowa wieża waży na ogół 300-400 ton.
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turbina bezprzekładniowa

typ elementu turbiny, w którym wirnik osadzony jest na wale generatora
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turbina przekładniowa

typ elementu turbiny, w której wirnik jest osadzony na wale, który poprzez system przekładniowy napędza generator
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urządzenia dźwigowe

wyposażenie dodatkowe konstrukcji wsporczej morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
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Ustawa o wykonywaniu prac podwodnych

prace podwodne mają rangę zawodu regulowanego na podstawie Ustawy z dnia 17 października 2003 r. o wykonywaniu prac podwodnych wraz z kompletem aktów wykonawczych.
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V174-9.5 MW

turbina morska Vestas
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V236-15.0 MV

turbina morska firmy Vestas
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składowa konstrukcji wsporczej w morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej
Konstrukcja stalowa w formie ściętego stożka, przenosząca obciążenia z gondoli z wirnikiem na fundament.
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